Sometimes I like to check out the Moravian Daily Texts. They have a short set of readings for each day. Thank you sisters and brothers in Christ of the Moravian Church for today's set!
Friday, June 4 — Psalm 72:1–11
Proverbs 27; 2 Corinthians 8:10–21
The Lord said, “You will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” Exodus 19:6 NIV
He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before him in love. Ephesians 1:4
Benevolent Ruler, help us to be conduits of your message of love to the world. May we never stand in your way or believe that we are meant to receive the praise that truly belongs to you. Amen.
"The foundation of the world" struck me as an interesting phrase. I began to think, "What does that look like? Where is that, exactly?" I started to imagine deep molten caves and wondering what it looks like when a world is made. God only knows. The mystery of this beautiful Creation might seem at times like everything is known, but there is still a great deal that we don't know or are not able to yet know.
Our picture for today comes from an article about "What's at the bottom of the deepest hole in the Earth?" in the Daily Star.
A number of years ago, we went into Penn's Cave. We have also been inside Indian Echo Caverns. Not terribly deep, but deep enough to wonder about deeper and darker places (unless you are claustrophobic!). The formations are beautiful and amazing. I don't care for the "tourist trap" aspects, but it is fun to go to places that we have not been before. When we find ourselves in remote places, there isn't any difference in God's presence. We might feel far from home or way out of safety's keep, but God is everywhere.
Space and time--God intended from before the first wisp of creating breath that we would be set apart for the purpose of being before God in love. I have a hard time understanding that kind of love. That might sound weird coming from a pastor, but it's the truth. I have been fortunate and blessed to know love, but a love that is planned soooo far in advance is beyond difficult to comprehend. All loves that I know are fairly short by comparison. What is 60 years alongside eons?!
These texts also compel us to see again that the question of evolution versus Creation is an unhelpful inquiry. We learn little by such "either-or" posts for knowledge to rest or stand. Instead, we should consider, "What or who do we love? How long have you loved?" God proudly stands with a loving and knowing smile. I would imagine a playful wink, then the clear statement, "I have loved you so much longer!"
Love is the way of God. The Way of Christ points others towards love. Our purpose is to draw attention to God's love. (We turn away from judging, hating, and all forms of prejudice that are not of God.) We seek the long view. We follow the one that knows what the deepest parts of this world look like, and the depths of each and every human heart.